Nixalite Evaluation Services
Nixalite can review your pest bird or nuisance animal control project and provide you with a comprehensive control evaluation. This often includes product sheets; information on where and how the control should be installed; and how much product would be needed for your application. If needed, Nixalite could include example drawings, tips, hints and short cuts that can save you time and money.
To provide our customers with this FREE service, we require accurate and complete dimensions for each surface to be protected. ALL of Nixalite's bird spikes, netting, post & wire, pastes, repellents and hardware are DIMENSION DRIVEN. The size of the surface and/or area determines the quantity of bird control product. Without accurate dimensions, we cannot provide you with accurate evaluations, estimates, quotes or any other cost related service.
For most evaluations the information can be sent in the form of: accurate and complete dimensions for each surface/area; drawings with accurate and complete dimensions; or in the form of photos accompanied by the aforementioned accurate and complete dimensions and basic descriptions of what you expect of the control.
Review the information below BEFORE sending your project information to Nixalite of America, Inc.
BEFORE sending prints, plans or drawings...
- Make sure each area is accurately and completely dimensioned.
- Make sure that each problem area is clearly marked on the plans.
- Identify the surface materials and any special considerations for installation.
- Identify the problem bird and/or animal (sparrow, pigeon, squirrel, etc.)
- New construction: clearly indicate each surface that is specified for control.
Make sure each area is accurately and completely dimensioned.
- New construction: send written specifications along with the dimensioned plans.
Check our Electronic Formats page to ensure the correct materials for proper evaluation.
All requirements apply for both printed media and digital files.
BEFORE Sending photos...
- Make sure the photos show the problem areas clearly.
- Accurate and complete dimensions must accompany the photos.
- Include a simple description of the photo contents (written on the back.)
- If not shown in the photo, identify the problem bird and/or animal.
- Check our Electronic Formats page to ensure the correct materials for proper evaluation.
All requirements apply for both printed and digital photos |
Downloadable Planning Information
All of Nixalite's planning and estimating tools are available on this website.
Nixalite Bird Barrier Control Planning Guides:
Planning A Successful Nixalite Strip Installation
Guide To Success
Nixalite Automated Estimate Worksheet
Nixalite Estimate Worksheet
Bird Netting Planning Guides:
Planning A Bird Net Installation
FliteLine Post & Wire Planning Guide:
FlitePlan - Planning Your FliteLine Installation